Two weeks ago I attended the Manaiakalani Hui. In so many years, this was the first time I have attended the Hui. Thanks to our Principal Mrs. Rhonda Kelly, who declared it a Teacher only day and took all her staff to the Hui. Manaiakalani is about immersing digital learning environment into our cluster of schools and is becoming popular each day. It was great to meet people who are supporting this initiative and are the driving force behind it.
I have to say that I was very encouraged by what I saw at the Hui. It gave me lots of ideas about what innovative teachers do to enhance and accelerate learning for their students through digital devices. I am very excited to practice some of these ideas into my class.
What was my highlight for the Day…
Well! Soon after the hui our Principal declared that we would have 1:1 i pads for juniors and 1:1 chrome books for seniors. I almost jumped out of joy and why not… when I have waited for four long years to have a net book class.
At the moment I am sailing in two boats where I have half of the class learning on digital devices and the other half on traditional teaching style at any given time. Then we switch over and take turns for the same learning so that every student gets exposure on how to do the same task on netbooks. As you can feel that it takes a lot of time and organisation. Now I can fully concentrate and plan for digital class without worrying to plan for kids with no digital learning device. Hooray!!! Just can't wait!
I share your excitement Archana - you will have such fun in a digital learning environment. Bring on 2016!!