I am a class teacher for Year Four and five students and a team leader for the middle school. My class and I are a part of the Manaiakalani Google ClassOnAir.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Linking Digital Pedagoies and Bilingual Pedagogies

I attended a toolkits PD that is offered to all the schools in the Manaiakalani cluster. This is done twice  a term. I went to ' Linking Digital Pedagogies and Bilingual Pedagogies' that was presented by Kyla Hansell. I have completed my Grad Dip Tessol and so the tool kit was a reiteration of what I have been practicing and delivering in my class. For me the challenge is to provide opportunities that will allow my students to use a variety of digital apps and tools. As I am new to a partially digital class, I am constantly in pursuit of learning new things from teachers who are digitally more advanced.

I have a new student in my class who has never used netbooks. He is from Afghanistan. When he came to our school, my class was learning about the Hindu festival Diwali. I took this moment to ask my new student about Eid the festival that he celebrates with his family. Suddenly his face lit up and he started explaining me all the about Eid celebrations. We together brainstormed all the ideas using De bono's  6 thinking hats.  Then he did his draft and I showed him how to make a google presentation. He quickly learnt the skill and made his first ever presentation. He later shared it with the class. Throughout the task, he was very motivated and engaged in his learning.
I felt I have done my little bit for the day. I have known my learner and made him celebrate what he brings with him... his culture, his beliefs and thoughts about this country. I have respected him for who he is and truly welcomed him into my class along with the integration of technology.

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